Ramkarran has put forward a workable plan

Dear Editor,

Mr Ralph Ramkarran, in his Stabroek News column of November 23, 2014, has put forward a workable plan to take us out of the quagmire that we are in – a plan which could lead to a form of governance that will be one of cooperation rather than the decades of confrontational politics with which we have been burdened and which have led our country to the sorry state it is in.

How long will we continue to exist in this scarred and scary atmosphere of blame and counter-blame, one-upmanship, us and them ‘awee and alyuh’? We talk of our country’s great potential, which is not a myth or a fanciful dream, but a solid fact. As has been stated countless times and which is the truth, we live in a blessed land of rich fertile soil, a coastal plain cooled by fresh breezes, breathtaking landscapes of forests, mountains and waterfalls, rushing rivers bearing diamonds and gold and so much more. Yet with all the wonderful bounty with which we have been gifted, we bicker and quarrel, living divided lives with blinkered eyes intent only on the narrow aim of being ‘in charge’ ruling for ‘awee own.’

When will we realize that ‘awee’ and ‘alyuh’ are in the same boat. If one paddles to the east and the other to the west, what hope is there for progress, for good, for joy, for peace? For the sake of our nation I quote Mr Ramkarran: “therefore it behooves us, our leaders and our political parties, to seize the time, show leadership, negotiate a political solution, create our own ‘historic compromise.’ ”

Indeed, now is the time for compromise, the time to work together for the good of all in this our beautiful land.

 Yours faithfully,

Joan Collins