Moves afoot to standardize cricket coaching

Tony Cozier

By Tony Cozier


AS he trawled through the reams of research that shaped his report to the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) last March, director of cricket Richard Pybus would have been struck by failings in several areas that have led to the team’s drastic decline.

Among his 19 proposals approved by the WICB directors about how to reverse the slump was that a coaching manager be appointed to oversee and implement programmes regionally.

The aim, as he put it, was “a standardized Caribbean philosophy and methodology of coaching relevant to the cricket culture of the region, including the review and updating of the coaching syllabi, a continuous education programme to ensure coaches are up to date with game development, skills and knowledge to develop world-class players and team.”

Before passing as head coach last week, Ottis Gibson often complained, as others before him, of uncoordinated coaching from territory to territory. Bajans, for instance,