Jack Warner: Tough job ahead for Granger

(Trinidad Express) Independent Liberal Party (ILP) political leader Jack Warner has also extended congratulations to the new President of Guyana on his election to office. “The electoral battle was hard but it was well fought and today I am sure the entire Caribbean celebrates with you. The admiration and respect you have earned throughout your campaign suggests that you are ready to discharge the even greater and more challenging duties you have assumed as President.

“The road will not be easy but there is a feeling that if anyone can do it in Guyana, you can.

There is that feeling that because you have the will, you can restore peace, racial and ethnic harmony, and economic prosperity across the divides of your nation that will restore the esteem and pride of Guyanese both at home and across the diaspora,”Warner said.

The ILP leader added, “Today, yours is the fourth government in the Caribbean to embrace political change in the last few months and no doubt, Trinidad and Tobago, will be joining this esteemed list of visionary countries in the next few weeks of which change my political party, the Independent Liberal Party, expects to play a very critical role.”