Chapel Street NA is in poor condition because of beverage company

Dear Editor,

The continued abuse and destruction of Chapel Street, New Amsterdam by a popular beverage company whose operations and bond are housed there is most disgusting. Drivers, motorists and even pedestrians face daily the horror of traversing this street. Many persons also avoid having to pass through this crater-filled thoroughfare, thus businesses located there suffer immensely.

Region Six Chairman, Mr David Armogan, during a recent interview when asked about the condition of this street, stated that he will try to get the company to adopt the street just as Banks DIH adopted Peter D’Aguiar Street in the town.

I compliment Banks DIH, which is always a good corporate citizen. They have taken that street into their fold; rehabilitated it; established speed bumps; provided themselves with a better thoroughfare to execute their beverage and liquor operations; and yet still manage to provide Berbicians with one of the best-kept streets in the town of New Amsterdam. (They have done the same to Kent Street, where their Demico‘Qik Serv’ and Citizen’s Bank are located.)

You should see the condition of Chapel Street and the huge potholes and craters that daily damage vehicles. And the immense flooding that takes place adjacent to this corporation’s establishment, all because of their heavy trucks and other vehicles. Shame on the corporate entity at Chapel Street.

Yours faithfully,
Leon Suseran