How can small miners benefit from this fuel tax ease?

Dear Editor,

The most recent concession by the government to the mining industry, of dropping the tax on diesel fuel, is most welcome. After all, fuel is singularly the most expensive operational cost in a mining operation.

However, for the small miner such pronouncements have little impact on their operational costs if these benefits are not filtered down to them.

Therefore, in light of the most recent concession granted to the mining industry I am urging the Ministry of Natural Resources and the GGDMA to publish guidelines on how the small miner can access these benefits.

Information such as the names of suppliers who will be providing fuel at the reduced prices will be most helpful to the small miner. Also what documents are needed, if any, to access this low cost fuel?

It is a common feeling in the mining industry that the concessions granted to miners only benefit the large mining operations while the small miners are left to fend for themselves. Certainly that is not the intention of the government’s concessions. So it is hoped that all effort is made to make this most recent reduction in fuel tax meet all miners irrespective of the size of the mining operation.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address supplied)