Iraq war was illegal

Dear Editor,

How refreshing to read a letter from Anthony Pantlitz saying that he was proud to be an American soldier (‘Proud to be an American soldier,’ SN, Jaunary 26).

Yet I feel that I must point out to the gentleman that the Iraqi insurgents (as he called them) were fighting to defend their homeland from the aggressive Americans. They chose this form of defence as they had no option after Iraq was Bush-whacked a second time. After George Bush Sr Bush-whacked Iraq for its oil, George Bush Jr felt he had an obligation to the US to get America’s oil from Iraq.

Where are the weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? We (as in America and Britain) know Saddam Hussein had WMD because we sold them to him. The war on Iraqis was not sanctioned by the UN, hence, it was illegal.


Yours faithfully,
Sean McLean