No animals in the zoo

Dear Editor,

When will misspending and mismanagement end by this Government of Guyana – forget the Georgetown municipality for a moment.

On Sunday I took my eager seven-year-old grandson to the zoo in the Botanical Gardens. The family had visited the zoo in Trinidad, and aware of our vast territory of animals, birds and reptiles looked forward with excitement to the Guyana Zoo experience.

Half way through I was embarrassed – no lions, no elephants, no adequate representation of our hinterland or animal life. We sought shelter in the roundhouse from a brief downpour of rain; we then had to navigate the uneven roadway, ugly grass verges and potholes. The only saving grace was the pleasant smiles and courtesy of the attendants and security staff on duty.

As we made our way to the vehicle, an old man sheltering under a tree off the main road, shouted, “Comrades, get each minister to donate an animal.”

Where has all the money gone? Where is our pride as a people – or is this another example of jobs for the boys or girls; just putting square pegs in round holes?

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green, JP