Money is spent on Kwakwani contracts but the only people benefiting are the contractors

Dear Editor,

For the past few days I was bombarded with queries concerning a news item on television in Linden, where it was said that I told a government minister at a public meeting that Kwakwani had no problems.

Because of distance, we are unable to get a local television news feed, so I am forced to take second-hand information. Until I see it for myself, I will deny that the Minister quoted me as saying Kwakwani didn’t have any problems.

As a regular visitor to my community, what that Minister should have been doing is holding general public meetings so the residents could voice their concerns about issues affecting them.

If the Kwawani community does not have problems, then someone should explain to us what the following are:

Millions spent to build modern roads in one section of the community which last for six months at the most, while another section is forced to do self-help on a very important one.

The most important road (Linden-Kwakwani) to access the community has been graded to become a canal, as that is what it is in the rainy season, when it should have been built high.

Homes and businesses are broken and entered, something unheard of in the past.

A very high incidence of teenage pregnancies, as low as grades seven and eight.

Gambling among high-school drop-outs. Substandard work executed on projects, for example, the hospital zinc sheet roofing which was partly changed to fool the public’s eyes.

Drains constructed to create flooding and mosquito problems where there was no problem at all before.

As a concerned and vocal resident, I will not hesitate in calling a spade a spade, as I know the difference between what is and what is supposed to be.

Money is indeed spent on projects within my community, but the only people benefiting are those contractors brought in to do the work.

I am prepared to make a public apology should anyone in or out of Kwakwani prove me wrong.

 Yours faithfully,

Jocelyn Morian