Why the silence of senior PPP people?

Dear Editor,

It has long been clear that both major political parties should apologise to the country for their actions since 1960. Perhaps as both claimed once to be Marxist-Leninist, self-criticism of the Maoist variety is too unorthodox.

What is surprising in the current controversy over the Jagans’ lifestyles is the silence of senior people within their party. Of course with age the memory goes first. If it is fear of speaking out they should reflect on the fate of one of the Jagans’ bogeymen. The rabidly anti-communist Senator McCarthy appeared to dominate US politics in the early 1950s until people stood up to him. It was then discovered that the bogeyman was less powerful than they (and he) believed. But perhaps this too they have forgotten. I find it difficult to believe they are afraid.

Yours faithfully,

Peter D Fraser