Hinds was always admired for his straightforwardness and honesty

Dear Editor,

This is in reference to former Prime Minister Sam Hinds’ response titled ‘Almost all solar home systems projects were subject to a process of open international bidding’ (SN, Jul 20) to my missive promoting local and regional solar energy development.
It would be an injustice to impugn the integrity of the former Prime Minister. Guyanese who conversed with me would not say the same about some other former officials. At no time did I ever think Mr Hinds was engaged in any dishonourable act. No corruption allegations were ever levelled against him in my countless conversations with Guyanese within Guyana and the diaspora.
On the contrary, he was praised for his honesty and decency and was described as one of the most honourable individuals of the preceding regime. He was among a few who were admired for his straightforwardness and honesty.
Mr Hinds should not take personally the many objective critiques levelled against the preceding government regime and officials.
He cannot be held accountable for the arrogant behaviour and misdeeds of some of his former government colleagues. Instead of countering critiques and criticisms levelled against the preceding regime, he should try to understand how and why people developed a certain “perception” about the former government.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram