There is disappointment in the opposition contributions to parliamentary debates

Dear Editor,

Disappointment in the contributions of the opposition to the parliamentary debates continues to grow, as more citizens listen and learn to their regret. Finance Minister Jordan was the latest to echo some of this, when he commented on the poor quality of the questions raised, and the heavy silence of the Opposition Leader during the budget debate. All of this confirms a long-running public secret, which now lies exposed for the curious to stare at.

It was that the PPP members, when they were in government, were not capable of thinking coherently or comprehensively; that they were over their heads on most issues; that they operated from prepared scripts, compliments of party headquarters; and that they sheltered under an extensive welter of propaganda outlets, which masked a host of deficits. They were delighted to operate in this fashion, as it meant they had no heavy lifting to do, or need to take responsibility for initiative.

In addition, there was the thunder of volume, crass and vapid, that drowned out objecting voices. The now silent boys and girls became overnight masters of the hollow bluff and of smothering through sound.

Now, there are only whimpers from some of the same men and women left naked in the neon of public scrutiny through lack of preparation, lack of dedication, and lack of vision.

They sound pathetic and appear intellectually jaded, if not degraded. It is an altogether sorry shambolic bunch not worthy to be where they are currently.

Therefore, I say that observers and interested members of the public should brace themselves for more of the same meaningless woeful presence and substandard contributions. As when the party was in government with all those shoddy ramshackle public works, it is same story with parliament.


Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall