Dr Mangal was a great man

Dear Editor,

It was with deep regret I received the saddest news that Dr Mangal has left us. My sympathies to Lars and other members of Doctor Mangal’s family.

I spent six years of my life wandering with him on the mighty Essequibo River. We slept together in a tent and spent a long time on his boat looking for Lukanani. He was a great man who introduced me to your wonderful country, Guyana, which I count as one of the best in the world. He was good in everything ‒ his profession (he cured me from dengue fever twice), and fishing. He was a great go-between and he was the best ambassador of his country which he loved. I am lucky that I met him and I will always remember the times we spent together as the best time in my life!

Yours faithfully,
Sergey Trofimenko
(Russian endeared to the Caribbean by Dr Mangal)