Blue Daze

garden (new)

Evolvulus glomeratus commonly called Blue Daze originated in Brazil and Paraguay, in South America.

Blue Daze is a perennial, sun-loving plant with true blue flowers, which stands out in any garden feature with its olive green leaves.  Its flowers bloom every day.

Plant Blue Daze in rich, well-drained soil. Blue Daze likes to be moist so make sure that it is watered daily in the dry weather. Blue Daze is a prolific bloomer so you would need to fertilize with Miracle Gro Bloom Booster once every two weeks and you will be rewarded with many blue flowers daily. Small plants are available for sale at nurseries.

Blue Daze is perfect in window boxes, pots or containers, also as borders or as ground cover.  When planted as ground cover, please do not overcrowd the area with other plants as Blue Daze is fast growing.

Until next week, Happy Gardening.