Media should report suicide cases responsibly

Dear Editor,

Every suicide is a tragedy that should not be sensationalized. Both regional and international experts are urging media practitioners to adopt more responsible and ethical reporting of such incidents. They highlight the impact suicide has on a victim’s family, friends and community.

Responsible media reporting on suicide has been shown to be an effective strategy for reducing suicide rates.

Research has suggested that vulnerable individuals may be influenced by news reports to engage in copycat suicide behaviour, particularly if the coverage is extensive, prominent, sensational and explicitly describes the method of suicide.

The media must be mindful that articles could have the power to save a life and prevent the renewed pain of a survivor.

Responsible reporting on the issue could also serve to educate the public and encourage those at risk to seek help, so it is imperative that the media only report suicide cases in a manner that is ethical and compliant with international best practices.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Lewis