Christmas in February

Dear Editor,

The 2009 Christmas holidays seem to be over everywhere except in the Guyanese local advertising world. One would expect that by now, February, we would stop hearing Christmas songs and advertisements that were made only for airplay within the Christmas season which for me is from November 15- January 6). Lo and behold, the Christmas promotions (which have been held over their limits) are still on; the “bonanzas” are still in full swing and such.

The TV stations which share in the blame are still accepting these advertisements for airing. I guess the money is more important than logic and common sense.

Let the borders be established and stop airing these advertisements − it’s not too late. These advertisements may demonstrate the confounding irony of us Guyanese who are stuck in time, since we always go back to the “twenty- eight years.”

Yours faithfully,
Leon Jameson Suseran