Wednesday’s Ramblings

President Jagdeo has gone green. His decision to take the nation’s forests hostage in a high stakes game of ecological chicken (“I will chop them down! I’m not bluffing!”) is part of a substantial and personal conversion to what is known as deep ecology. He has seen the fluorescent light!

It all happened on a recent trip to Washington where he slipped his security detail and had dinner at an organic restaurant where he was first forced to strip to his briefs and chant Buddhist prayers. The meal of urban sourced watercress and bean sprouts was a revelation and when he casually told the owner he just so happened to own a few million square hectares of virgin rainforest, the two stayed up until 2 am sipping organic cocoa and discussing his “duty to the planet, dude”.

Jagdeo returned to his hotel in a daze carrying a pamphlet outlining the deep ecology philosophy.

Among them is: “The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves. These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.”

“The ideological change is mainly that of appreciating life quality rather than adhering to an increasingly higher standard of living. (What other reason could there be for VAT?)

Since that fateful night almost all his other decisions, many of them quite unfathomable, have been influenced by deep ecology.

Many may have not noticed but the President is now wearing Hemp underwear. It’s kind of itchy and might explain how he has been irritable of late.

He did not say it, but his decision not to dismiss the “gun toting” Kellawan Lall was borne out of a concern for the amount of paper work the resignation would produce