Some questions for Mr George about Venezuela

Dear Editor,

WP George in his letter captioned “The USA must vote for builders not wreckers” (07.01.29) wrote: “I see Chavez as the new Simon Bolivar. And of course George Bush Jr by default has made Chavez what he is.” Also; he states, “the USA continues to kill Iraqis (the same Iraq which invaded Kuwait in the early 90s) , Somalis, Pakistanis with its bombs (no mention about who killed thousands of people from eighty countries around the world living and working in America on 9/11). Japan is providing the world with technology to make life better and the world a more livable place…”

Now, my questions to WP George are simply these; (1) Which is the self-righteous country that has illegally occupied Guyana’s half of the Ankoko Island for several years. (2) Which country has set its eyes on almost five eighths of its neighbour’s territory following an internationally agreed border settlement. (3) Which country’s security forces have quite recently entered Guyana’s territory and with impunity murdered one of its citizens.

I am quite sure there will be many others; but, let this be the final question for the time being.

Despite all that W.P. George has said about the United States were the United States to open its embassy doors to the entire Guyanese population to freely emigrate what percentage of the Guyanese population does he think will remain (including himself) in Guyana.

Yours faithfully,

(name and address
