Spirit of oneness in Washington DC

Dear Editor,

The supreme gift of multi-ethnicity adds spice to flavour and in no ordinary way was this divine phenomenon more perfectly blended into a complete oneness than in Washington DC, on Saturday last, when Guyanese met, greeted, embraced and again endorsed the true sprit of our national motto of one people, one nation, and one destiny.

It was like a piece of Guyana’s soil lifted and transported by airbus into Washington DC by Ambassador Karran and his staff, and with all its fun, frolic, food and culture, the Guyanese hospitality should be emulated among the rest of mankind.

Amerindian and other local products, both ornamental and edible, brought to fore the unique ingenuity of our nation and so we pray and continue to beg the Supreme being for progress embracing our land and the entire world in the way that pervaded here for a few hours.

Yours faithfully,

S M Khan