The silver lining behind a dark cloud

Dear Editor,

I read with much pride the performing of the first open-heart surgery in Guyana. This is really a great achievement and I congratulate all Guyanese on this achievement for it is really our achievement.

In a climate of armed robberies, reckless vehicular accidents and lawlessness, open-heart surgery is the silver lining behind the dark cloud. All Guyanese should use this achievement as a launching pad towards new beginnings.

We are a great nation, and a determined people. I know that this is the beginning of better days and things. I myself am an OH RN circulator and am aware of the high level of skills and expertise needed for every case.

We are taking ‘baby steps’ now, but Guyanese are fast learners. With the appropriate training and exposure, we will eventually have a success rate surpassing that of our Caribbean neighbors.

Let us hold our heads up high and be proud of this achievement, and work in every area to be a better people of our great nation, Guyana.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Farley

Augusta GA