No one answers the traffic department phones

Dear Editor,

The Guyana Police Force over the years produced a number of stalwart committed officers and ranks. This has not changed – the Traffic Department continues to do a commendable job under its present leadership. But how can these men and women perform to the optimum if not given the operational tools and adequate incentives.

Returning today after passing that horrible accident off the Rupert Craig Highway I was upset at this wanton loss of life.

On any way home I noticed a vehicle driving in an irresponsible matter, speeding and going through the red light. Wanting to avoid another road slaughter I called all of the numbers listed in the 2007 Telephone Directory under the Traffic Department, I repeat all, but got no reply.

I then tried the number listed as the Traffic Hotline 226-9309 and received the infamous reply. “We’re sorry the number you have dialed is not in service”.

How can the public help these valiant men and women if the system is so flawed? Can someone tell us why a number listed in the 2007 Directory is not working? This is an absurdity.

Concerned citizens are entitled to some explanation from both the GT&T management and the Police Commissioner. I hope we are not accepting as normal any level of incompetence or unconcern.

Someone must be held accountable.

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green, J.P.
