Carvil Duncan overstepped his authority

Dear Editor,

With shock, I continue to read of the brouhaha in the Guyana Labour Union. When labour leaders are disunited it has serious consequences for labour since unscrupulous employers prey on this disunity for their selfish agenda. The worker usually ends up the poorer from these experiences.

Following the many accounts in the news Carvil Duncan has clearly overstepped his authority. I want to think Duncan knows this, but pushed his luck and is probably still surprised at the results. Duncan’s actions are not in keeping with the union’s rules and his responsibility as general secretary. For this Duncan must be condemned.

The union’s constitution is very clear, written in language anyone can understand. How Mr Duncan as general secretary was able to manipulate the constitution and kick President General Robert Corbin and President Stanley Troyer out of the union must be confounding the best labour minds in the land. It is regrettable the courts may now have to interpret the rules, which ultimately robs the workers of their right and authority to interpret the rules themselves and resolve their issues in-house. It is indeed a sad day for labour.

Yours faithfully,

W A Samuels