Zermat makes offer to charity organization

Zermat Cosmetic Line is ready to tap into every home since its launch several months ago and is striking a deal with charities.

The company recently threw out an invitation to charities interested in raising money to register with them and earn 35 per cent on the sale of every item. At an open house on Wednesday several charities showed up and signed up.

Roger Kavaner of Zermat International told The Scene on Wednesday that Zermat would also be donating $4M to four charities over the next year. He said the charities could earn more based on how much they are willing to get involved with the company and how much they are able to sell. He explained that every charity would be given a Zermat package free of charge and are required to sell Zermat products and of the money earned on each sale, the charity collects 35 per cent of it.

According to Kavaner, Zermat decided not only to increase its market share but also gave back to people. He said the company is optimistic about the new project and is looking forward to working with the charities.