Could Dr Misir explain the withholding of funds voted by Parliament for Critchlow Labour College

Dear Editor,

Something about Dr. Prem Misir’s letter captioned “These funds for scrutineers were not appropriated through Parliament” (08.10.15) helped to crystallise my thoughts on a matter. It has been said and reiterated by spokespersons of the Government that the provision of funds for scrutineers without the approval of Parliament was an act of benevolence of the State.

By way of comparison, I would like to know how Dr. Misir would characterise the behaviour of the State/Government in refusing to release funds approved by Parliament for the Critchlow Labour College, action which has the effect of hampering the education of some deserving youths.

In giving his response I hope Dr. Misir would be good enough to provide at the same time the reasons for the “withholding act” decision and thereby enlighten the many concerned and interested persons

Yours faithfully,

Rashleigh E. Jackson