I can see the love of God when the sun rises in the east

Dear Editor,
I turned on my television on March 20, 2008 at approximately 21:30 hrs and began to watch CN Sharma’s Justice For All programme with Mr Joey Jagan. Just before the programme closed, Mr Joey Jagan said these words which really warmed my heart:-
“I now believe that there is a God…This is no fault of mine…and God is indeed love”.

Almighty God is indeed Love Brother Joey! This invisible attribute of Almighty God has been clearly revealed to us in all things created and we are without excuse!

I can see the love of God when the sun rises in the east, in every raindrop that falls, yes in all things He created for us.

Brother Joey, we were placed on this beautiful planet for a few days to reflect this eternal attribute of Almighty God in all that we do and say, but sad to say we are not doing enough to reflect God’s eternal atribute.

We need to start standing up for Almighty God (Love) in our hearts; in our homes; in our communities to save our nation from the forces of evil.
Yours faithfully,
Brother Mark Nigel James