Non Afro-Guyanese should desist from directing Africans’ behaviour

Dear Editor,

Sunday Stabroek’s May 18, 2008 editorial, ‘Normality?’ provoked many responses. Afro-Guyanese generally viewed the editorial as biased, unfair and racist. Messrs Tacuma Ogunseye, Oscar Clarke and Rickford Burke’s letters in Stabroek News reflected the views of many.

This editorial continues to receive vigorous circulation and discussions. Those skeptical of SN saw the editorial as vindication of their views SN never objectively represents Afro-Guyanese causes and the support given during the advertisements withdrawal would have been discarded once those advertisements were returned. Others questioned the Afro-Guyanese penchant for generosity even to their adversaries. The bottom line was that editorial forced Afro-Guyanese to re-examine their relationship with and support for SN. No one I spoke with saw SN’s motive as uplifting or respectful and pondered on the motive of the highly educated publisher and Sunday Editor. The Sunday Editor is no stranger to world events and history and would be aware of actions, legal and otherwise, used by the discriminated over the ages to effect changes.