Consumer Corner – Make your submissions to the select committee

On February 14, Parliament Office published an invitation to the public for written and oral submissions on the ‘Impact of Global Food Price Increases.’

The invitation states:
“The Special Select Committee on the Impact of Global Food Price Increases was established through Resolution No. 62 by the National Assembly. This Committee seeks to discuss the implementation of governmental interventions that include increasing the disposable income of ordinary Guyanese, subsidizing the cost of accessing utility services, implementing the Ministry of Agriculture’s GROW MORE campaign and its concomitant budgetary interventions: zero rating of all essential food items, diesel and agricultural inputs; monitoring exports of some essential agricultural commodities to ensure adequate local supply and monitoring of prices and supply of various food commodities; and assistance to single headed households.

“The Committee has begun its work, but wishes to receive from members of the public, individuals as well as organizations, their views on the Impact on Global Food Price Increases.

“The Committee is, therefore, extending an invitation to members of the public to forward written submissions of their views.

“The Committee is also inviting individuals and organisations who wish to appear before the Committee to give oral evidence to indicate their interest.

“All written submissions and requests to give oral evidence must be addressed to:

“The Clerk of Committee
Special Select Committee of the National Assembly
(The Impact of Global Food Price Increases)
Committees Division Parliament Office Public Buildings Georgetown
“and must be received no later than 3rd March 2009.”
A written submission by the Guyana Consumers Association will be made public.
In the meantime here are a few current prices at one supermarket:

Kerrygold full cream
milk powder                     − 800g $1895
Kerrygold full cream
milk powder            – 400g $  945
″          skim milk           − 800g $1965
″             ″       ″        − 400g $1490
Loose milk                       − $495 per lb
Cheese                             − $2365 per kg

Loose milk, because of its very high price, was not on sale for some time. It is now available.

Milk is considered an essential item by the Guyana Revenue Authority. It should be in the daily diet of children and adults.