Berbice Chamber slams fire service over fatal blaze

The Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association says the lack of equipment at the New Amsterdam Fire Service is among several of its concerns regarding the safety and well-being of the town.

In a press release the Chamber said the problem of accessing adequate water and the lack of tools available to fire-fighters that would allow them to access burning buildings is always present. It is particularly concerned about this in the wake of a recent fire at Charlotte Street that claimed four lives.

The Chamber said there is need for closer cooperation between the Fire Service and the Guyana Water Incorporated. Functional hydrants and chambers must be identified and their locations publicised so that fire-fighters can readily access them. It said too the fire service must have at least one mobile water tanker that can be used while water is being accessed from the water supply system. Meanwhile, the Chamber said it is grateful that the Region Six administration has cleaned the Republic Road Canal which can be used as a reservoir.

The Chamber said it met recently with Commander of ‘B’ Division George Vyphuis and other senior officers to discuss this and other matters of mutual concern. The agenda included noise nuisance, the sale of narcotics, speeding and crime and security.

The Chamber said too it is concerned about the crossings schedule of the NA-Rosignol Ferry Service. Operations seem to be carried out on an ad hoc basis, the Chamber said, resulting in inconvenience to workers and students and as such it urges the Transport and Harbours Department to investigate.