Poor nations must set own emissions targets -Mexico

LONDON, (Reuters) – Developing nations must adopt  targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and they need to do  their share to reduce global warming, Mexican President Felipe  Calderon said yesterday.

Developing countries — so far exempt from meeting emissions  targets — need to help solve the world’s most pressing problem,  global warming, and stop blaming rich nations for causing it, he  said in a speech at the British Council.

“Talking as a developing nation is difficult for me because  fellow leaders in developing nations say that industrialised  nations provoked the problem and they have enough money to fix  it,” he said. “We need to change that point of view.”

Calderon echoes similar comments made last month by Brazil’s  environment minister and mark an important switch as the world  prepares a new United Nations deal on global warming.

Developing nations had not been expected to set targets as  part of a new deal. A new climate treaty will be discussed in  Copenhagen in December to replace the Kyoto Protocol after 2012.

Calderon was speaking ahead of a meeting of G20 leaders in  London today, which could include a commitment by leaders  to sign a new global environment deal this year.

He said developing countries were “right in some ways” to  resist adopting targets to cut emissions “but everyone wants to  collaborate to fix the problem of climate change”.

“There are two things that threaten the very existence of  humanity: the gap between man and nature and the gap between  north and south, between rich and poor,” he said.

However, Calderon said the world lacked the instruments to  cut greenhouse gas emissions.

“We need to realise that the instruments that Kyoto created  were unhelpful for our purposes. The right instruments are the  right economic incentives for the countries, because money is  the best incentive for anyone,” he said.

He proposed that the world create a “green fund”, which  could help countries finance programmes to raise energy  efficiency, whereby every nation contributed depending on their  financial ability.

Calderon said this could be similar to the way countries pay  different quotas to the United Nations or the International  Monetary Fund. “Any single country must contribute to create the  fund under the principle of common but differentiated  responsibilities,” he said.

He said Mexico was aiming to have one quarter of its total  energy provided by renewable energy sources by 2012.

Mexico plans to expand wind power and Calderon said  Germany’s Q-Cells was considering building a solar cell factory  in Mexico with investment of up to $3 billion.