Obama: Health overhaul could save U.S. trillions

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will  aim today to build support for a sweeping overhaul of the  U.S. healthcare system by highlighting a drive for greater  efficiency he predicts could save trillions of dollars.

Obama has invited several large trade groups, such as the American Medical Associa-tion, America’s Health Insur-ance Plans  and the American Hospital Association, to an event to discuss  ways to wring cost savings from the health system.

At a 12:30 p.m. EDT (1630 GMT) event, the trade groups will  present Obama a letter pledging to reduce the growth of health  spending by 1.5 percentage points annually through more  efficient practices, according to White House officials who  briefed reporters on the event. The cost savings would be achieved through steps such as  streamlining paperwork and changing the way hospitals deliver  and bill for services to patients.
Obama aides said that given the explosion in healthcare  costs projected to take place in coming years as the U.S  population ages, the slower growth rate for health care would  save $2 trillion over 10 years.

“We cannot continue down the same dangerous road we’ve been  traveling for so many years, with costs that are out of  control, because reform is not a luxury that can be postponed,  but a necessity that cannot wait,” Obama will say, according to  excerpts.

“That is why these groups are voluntarily coming together  to make an unprecedented commitment,” he will say.
“Over the next ten years — from 2010 to 2019 — they are  pledging to cut the growth rate of national health care  spending by 1.5 percentage points each year — an amount that’s  equal to over $2 trillion.”

Revamping the healthcare system and expanding coverage for  an estimated 46 million uninsured Americans is one of Obama’s  top domestic priorities. He is pushing his allies in the  Democratic-led Congress to pass an overhaul of the $2.5  trillion healthcare industry by the end of the year.     There is broad agreement within the industry and among  lawmakers that the health system needs to be improved but big  differences of opinion exist on how to go about it.

A centrepiece of Obama’s health proposal would be a new  government health insurance plan that would compete with  private insurers. The administration says the public plan would  help cut costs by introducing competition and cover the  uninsured.

Republicans and insurers oppose a government plan, arguing  that it would undermine the private healthcare market.
By focusing on delivering more efficient care, Obama is  weighing in on one of the least controversial aspects of his  healthcare proposal rather than the much more heated topic of  whether to establish a new public insurance plan. A more efficient healthcare system would save the  government money by reducing spending on the huge Medicare  system, an existing program for older Americans.

The United States has one of the world’s most expensive  healthcare systems, despite the high numbers of uninsured  Americans. Studies show the country lags other developed  nations on indicators of healthcare quality, including life  expectancy and infant mortality.

Obama’s effort to cast the health care proposal as a  money-saving initiative comes as critics label his hefty  domestic agenda fiscally irresponsible. But Obama counters that  high budget deficits are a legacy of President George W. Bush,  a Republican.

Some of the streamlining ideas to be highlighted at the  White House event on Monday would require legislation.
Lawmakers are already considering some of moves to improve  patient care and bring down costs by basing payments to doctors  and hospitals on the quality of care given, not just the number  of procedures and treatments.

Health-policy experts say big savings could be achieved in  healthcare by cutting down on unnecessary treatments.