CIOG says Gossai was a living example of his faith

The CIOG remembers Shri Prakash Gossai as a religious leader “who truly understood the Hindu faith” in its message of condolence on his passing.

In a press release President of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) Fazeel Ferouz called Gossai a patriotic Guyanese and religious leader who “sacrificed the material for the moral.” He said Gossai used his eloquence and “beautiful voice” to communicate the teachings of Hinduism among his followers.

The CIOG also said Gossai was tolerant and respectful of the other faiths and their followers and seized every opportunity to promote racial and religious harmony. “He has left a legacy that should inspire his followers and religious leaders who are keen in promoting love, unity and harmony,” the release said.
The CIOG extends sympathy to his bereaved relatives, the mandirs and Hindu organisations which he served and his devotees.