Archaeologists hunt for Cleopatra’s tomb in Egypt

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, (Reuters) – High on a hill  overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, buried deep under the  crumbling limestone of a temple to the goddess Isis,  archaeologists believe the body of Queen Cleopatra may lie.

The tomb of the Egyptian queen has never been found but  archaeologists are discovering more evidence that Cleopatra’s  priests carried her body to the temple after her suicide, where  it could lie with her lover Marc Antony.

“This could be the most important discovery of the 21st  century,” Zahi Hawass, Egypt’s chief archaeologist, told  reporters on a tour of the temple yesterday. “This is the  perfect place for them to be hidden.”

Archaeologists from Egypt and the Dominican Republic plan to  start digging in search of Cleopatra’s tomb as early as this  year.

Researchers have found by radar what may be three chambers  as deep as 20 metres under the rock. Historians believe, based  on the Roman writer Plutarch, that Antony and Cleopatra were  buried together.

Kathleen Martinez, a Dominican Republic scholar who  pioneered the theory that Cleopatra could be buried in the  temple thinks one of the chambers might contain the remains of  the famous couple.

If Martinez, 40, and her team, who have been working on the  site for three years, find bodies beneath the rock, they will  look for cartouches bearing the name of Cleopatra or a crown to  indicate the identity of any mummy.

The body of Antony, Martinez said, may still be adorned in  the former general’s Roman uniform.

Digging, however, may have to be postponed until the fall  for security reasons, as the temple overlooks a Mediterranean  summer home of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Archaeologists this week discovered a cemetery near the  temple containing gilded mummies, indicating the burial of  royals around the temple.

Archaeologists had previously overlooked the temple — which  was built by Ptolemy II around 300 BC — focusing instead on a  burial site in Alexandria submerged below the sea in an 8th  century earthquake, Martinez said.

But the queen, thinking about posterity, may have felt safer  in the rocky hill about 50 kms (30 miles) west of the city.

“She needed a place to be protected in the afterlife,”  Martinez said. “If she had used the other burial site, she would  have disappeared forever.”