Citizen undertook to repair Kingston building

Dear Editor,
The building situated at 48 Barrack and High Streets was visited by the City Engineer’s Department some two years ago, and was placed on the list of derelict buildings for demolition or repairs. Since then the registered owner on our records was issued with notices to have same done.

It appears that there has been a change of ownership which has not been reported to us, but a prominent citizen informed us some time ago that he has assumed control and management of the property and undertook to effect repairs to the building. Due to unforeseen circumstances the citizen was unable to commence repairs on the building in June last year.

It should be noted that the municipality did not demolish this building for two reasons. First it is occupied by over one hundred adults and children, and second, the undertaking of the prominent citizen to have the building rehabilitated.
Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green, JP