David de Caires’ legacy will continue to inspire future generations

Dear Editor,

During my infrequent visits to Guyana in the last two decades I always found David de Caires to be a gracious host and the epitome of Guyana’s tradition of hospitality. In my time Guyana had a long and almost legendary tradition for its hospitality and David de Caires was as good an example of this tradition as one could hope to find.

David brought to journalism a rare and dauntless courage and integrity. He brought to journalism a sharp legal mind and the ability to sift fact from speculation and truth from supposition. He lived through one of the most troubled periods of Guyanese history and managed to remain committed and steadfast to the ideal of telling the truth no matter how dangerous this had become.

He has passed on, but the legacy he has left us will continue to inspire generations to come. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of David de Caires.

Yours faithfully,
Jan Carew