Bartica is safe once more

Dear Editor,
I am a talk show host, and my programme is called ‘The People’s Voice’ on TTS Ch. 5. It is a weekly community programme where the citizens of Region 7, Bartica and its environs call in and air their views on community matters.
My rule – no politics.

Last Sunday I received 15 calls from citizens on air.
1.  Since the new Officer in Charge of the Bartica police, Mr Kevin Adonis took over on February 19, there have been lots of changes. Citizens are more at ease, the crime rate has started to change, the ranks at the police station are more comfortable, and citizens are pledging to assist the police any way they can.

2. The citizens were also calling on T&HD for another steamer day. The business people feel safe by using the big vessel, MV Makouria.

They suggest as follows: Tuesday up to Bartica, Wednesday down to Parika. Return up to Bartica Friday and down to Parika Saturday. Up to Bartica on Sunday, down to Parika Monday. This will enable trucks, canters, cars to do shopping in Georgetown on Thursday and return to Bartica on Saturday. The present state of the Sherima/Wismar route is bad and is unsafe for business.

3. They are also calling on government to arrange the T&HD stelling – the official port of entry and departure for speedboats − so that the police could monitor boats and passengers arriving and departing because lots of illegal things pass through Bartica.

4. The Commander of E&F Division Mr Nolan Hendricks, should visit Bartica more often.
They thank him for his encouragement and kind words of advice. He has fulfilled his promise to Bartica. Bartica is once more safe. Visitors can now visit our lovely community and meet hospitable people.
Yours faithfully,
Winston Miller, Snr
Host Peoples Voice TTS Ch5