There needs to be soul-searching on the part of law enforcement

Dear Editor,
For many years citizens of Guyana have accused the military and police forces of acts of corruption and wanton dereliction of duty, requiring nothing but the full force of an independent enquiry into the affairs of all sections of the law enforcement agencies.

Since this government has allowed the army to provide internal security rather than maintain border security, some in the armed forces have taken it upon themselves to violate the rights of citizens. Alas!
We have a case which could and should strike the top brass of the GDF and GPF deeply, as the robbery and murder of Dweive Kant Ramdass is not the first reported against members of the GDF; numerous others have been reported against the police force.

Members of the government are always quick to cover up faults at this level and I hope this incident has opened a can of worms worthy of a wide independent investigation which will lead us to those who are corrupt, the money-grabbers and the violators of human rights within the military.
As usual the top brass of both major law enforcement agencies have been quick to condemn the crime, while seeking to distance them from the likes of these robbers.

It is my wish that the police would reach far into the minds of those who helped to plan that wanton act of barbarism. As a victim of robbery in Guyana I certainly have no sympathy for anyone found guilty of such heinous crimes. I do hope that the matter will not stop at its current point, for I truly believe that this issue requires soul-searching within all divisions of the law enforcement agencies.

I have no doubt that there are good men and women in uniform, who would not condone such acts.
However, now is a good time to pursue other complaints the citizenry has against law enforcement. I hope the Jagdeo government will accept that there are deficiencies within and seek to remedy every one. It must be embarrassing for the President and his Home Affairs Minister who always play down complaints made against these errant agencies. Maybe they will have to announce that lie detector tests will now be standard for the military.
Yours faithfully,
Malek Abubekr