Chateau Margot chicken farm still causing residents discomfort

Oftentimes in our society, we experience the harsh reality of the suffering of ordinary citizens. This automatically raises the question, is the law only for the poor, humble and law-abiding citizen but not for the rich? This is the real-life situation we are experiencing in this country.

At Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara, there is a shopping centre. In this very yard there is a huge chicken farm with thousands of chickens. The farm is a very serious health hazard to the residents of the neighbourhood. There is this constant stinking smell that envelops the atmosphere and causes this burning sensation to the eyes and nose  resulting in unbearable discomfort and pain.

Then there is the dust which emanates from this farm that causes regular sneezing and coughing. This dust floats in clouds. To top it all, there are flies of all descriptions and the rats are increasing daily.

Editor, we have had to endure this discomfort for more than two years. This situation was reported to many institutions but to date we are still enduring the discomfort. It seems that the law for the poor, humble and law-abiding citizen is to take it and keep quiet, while the rich and lawless ride way above, for there is no law for them to answer to.

It is hoped that by publishing this letter the relevant authorities will be reminded that this situation continues and someone with a heart will venture to assist.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address

Editor’s notes: We are sending a copy of this letter to the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Indarjit Ramdass for any comments he might wish to make.