SN should not allow negative blogs on its website, only positive ones

I am a patriotic Guyanese who has been living overseas since 1981, but I love my country and want it to prosper. Since 1992 Guyanese have seen many improvements and this is thanks to the new government. However there are some people who seem determined to find fault in everything the government does and who refuse to acknowledge all the good.

SN has helped with the struggle to bring democracy to Guyana, but lately I have become very disappointed in its behaviour. The commentary section on the internet version can be used for good, but instead SN allows certain bloggers to condemn the government on a daily basis.

A woman by the name of Bismattie Ramsawak is given preferential treatment on the blog and she attacks the PPP daily despite all the great things the party  has done.

My friends across North America and Europe tell me they log on just to be amazed at the nonsense she says, and she never fails.

In my office I personally know of many Guyanese who live here that log on and most are angry at her since she makes the Guyana government look bad. SN should not be assisting her and should ban her from blogging, or at least edit her blogs. Allow positive blogs not negative ones.

Yours faithfully,
Shameer Ali

Editor’s note
The blogger Bismattie Ramsawack is subject to the same type of editing as all other bloggers. Just as there are those who praise the government every day, so there are those who are critical of it.