Smile makeover cosmetic dentistry

– for that million dollar smile

By Dr Kiran Koora, MDS – (Paedodontics)


Your smile is the first thing someone notices about you, and people often make a judgment about your personality based on your smile; A great smile is not just for celebrities and Hollywood actors; anyone these days can get the smile they’ve always dreamed of with the help of an experienced and trained dentist. Cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures with the aim of improving the overall aesthetics of your smile. This is often referred to as a ‘Hollywood smile.’ A beautiful smile can have numerous effects on an individual’s self-confidence, self-esteem and personal relationships.

Traditional dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and treating oral disease, but cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s teeth, mouth and smile. In other words restorative, general and family dental practices address dental problems that require necessary treatment, whereas cosmetic dentistry provides elective – or desired – treatments or services.

Cosmetic dentistry may also provide restorative benefits. For example, dental fillings are a common procedure used to treat decayed teeth. Previously, most dental fillings were composed primarily of gold, amalgam and other materials that left visible dark spots on the teeth.

There are many different procedures in the field of cosmetic dentistry to help a variety of smile problems from teeth whitening, crowns and dental bridges, white fillings, smile makeover, Diastema closure, dental jewellry, dental implants and of course porcelain and composite veneers.

Today, dental fillings may fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry, because you can select fillings made of porcelain or composite materials that closely match the colour of your teeth, thus maintaining the natural appearance of your teeth and smile. Many people may choose to have their older fillings replaced with newer, tooth-coloured fillings to enhance their appearance.
Cosmetic dentistry trends

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-coloured dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past. Additionally, dentists are now using more conservative cosmetic dentistry techniques to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, depending upon your specific clinical situation.

Cosmetic dentists may also use such technology as lasers in order to perform some procedures necessary for cosmetic treatments in their own offices – without the need for referrals to specialists. This makes cosmetic dental procedures such as smile makeovers more comfortable and convenient for patients, as well as helping to reduce recovery time.

Cosmetic dentistry treatments

Cosmetic dentistry treatments currently in use include:
Inlays/Onlays – Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays made from porcelain or composite materials are a long-lasting yet cosmetic way to provide a ‘filling’ to teeth with tooth decay or similar structural damage. Whereas dental fillings are moulded into place within the mouth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are created in a dental laboratory before being fitted and adhesively bonded into place by your dentist.

Composite bonding – Chipped, broken, discoloured or decayed teeth may be repaired or have their appearance corrected using a procedure called composite bonding. A dental composite material with the look of enamel and dentine is applied into the cavity or onto the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured and hardened with a high-intensity light. The result is a restoration that blends invisibly with the remainder of the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright smile.

Teeth whitening – It is perhaps the most commonly recommended cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth are often stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or red wine) or poor oral hygiene. After a tooth cleaning procedure, bleaching the teeth can enhance the appearance of your smile.

Dental veneers – Composite or porcelain laminates that are adhesively bonded to the surface of a tooth to correct and repair chips and cracks will improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration. Veneers may also be recommended if you have gaps in your teeth or if you have not had success with teeth whitening.

Dental implants – These are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry in order to compensate for tooth loss. Often, the result is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more youthful appearance, since missing teeth cause the lips to collapse, making you look older.

Smile makeovers – It involves a comprehensive assessment of your smile aesthetics in order to improve overall appearance. Typically one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants, gingival sculpting and teeth whitening, will be required for several teeth in both the upper and lower arches in order to achieve the look you want.

Full mouth reconstruction – While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, your dentist may discover that there is a need to provide necessary treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, teeth and bone structure. If you need full mouth reconstruction, the materials available today make it possible for your dentist to provide you with durable, functional and clinically sound treatments that also look natural.

Dental jewellery – A dental jewel is a special decoration, for example a diamond or another stone, which can be attached to your teeth without consequences. If you desire to endow your smile with a jewel and the teeth to which the jewel should be attached are healthy, you can be a suitable candidate for this treatment. It is necessary to consider your expectations and realize that the dental jewel will be a new, significant part of your look. This dental jewellery will last for about two to four years or even more! It is important, that you the patient, know that this procedure is not permanent, just cosmetic.

Cosmetic dentistry offers many options for people who are unhappy with their smile. If you are one of these people, discuss it with your dentist to learn about the various treatments available to beautify your smile.