2010 European Film Festival launched

The third European Film Festival, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of ten countries, will be held from May 11 to May 15, at the Theatre Guild Playhouse, Kingston.

Speaking at a news conference to publicise the festival, EU Delegation Political and Trade Officer Nobert Probst said that the festival is “a good vehicle to show the diversity and richness of the European cultural heritage.”

He added that the concept is to offer Guyanese an opportunity to view movies to which they might not otherwise have access.

This year, changes have been made to publicise the event in order to draw a greater audience.  Probst said that the films were selected with diversity in mind, including differing genres aimed at differing age groups and set across a vast geographical area.

Dr James Rose, in remarks, welcomed the initiative, saying it highlighted the long relationship with the EU, which in the past had been economic and political. The festival is seen as a way to bolster relations between the countries in the area of culture.

Rose said that “film festivals are like an art exhibition” and the selection of the films can be termed an exhibition of culture.

“The festival is important since it allows for an introduction into the culture of ten European nations,” he added. He said that Guyanese would be able to relate to the films since it will give them a chance to appreciate the diversity and history of other countries.

Rose added that “the festival is the institutionalising of a cultural bridge by tapping into the culture of the EU and making it available to Guyana.”

On May 11, the opening night, ‘A Touch of Spice’, a film from Greece will be shown. Minister of Culture Dr Frank Anthony is expected to be present. After the viewing, a reception will be held in honour of Europe Day. The showings continue with ‘The Chorus’ (France) and ‘4 months, 3 weeks & 2 days’ (Romania) on May 12; ‘Kolya’ (Czech Republic) and ‘In the name of the father’ (Ireland) on May 13; ‘Volver’ (Spain) and ‘Lora’ (Hungary) on May 14; ‘Asterix and Obelix vs Caesar’ (Italy), ‘The Fox and the Child’ (France), ‘Goodbye Lenin’ (Germany)  and ‘The Full Monty’ (England) on May 15. Apart from the films slated for the final day, showtime will be 6pm and 8pm daily. Admission to the playhouse is free.

The festival is to be held as part of the celebrations to mark Europe Day which will be observed on May 9.

The European Union consists of twenty seven countries whose population speak twenty three different languages.