Why can’t Guyanese check itineraries to Cuba online?

Dear Editor,
I attempted to go on line to book a flight for a student from Guyana studying in Cuba. I was unable to do so, and the following statement came up: “Due to United States travel restrictions, we are unable to display travel itineraries that include Cuba. Read more.”

When I clicked ‘read more,’ there was some sort of page that came up indicating it was one of seventeen pages. As I attempted to go further the computer froze. The second time I attempted to proceed, the computer froze even before the page I mentioned came up.

In every case I had to utilize ‘Alt-Ctrl-Del’ to get out, as the computer would not even respond to close. It seems like punishment for even wanting to examine the issues within the system.

I wonder if this is necessary and why? Does this help the USA in any way? The Caribbean governments decided to have normal relationship with Cuba. We do receive a lot of help from Cuba as do a number of Caribbean islands. Why is the USA hampering out ability to move freely within the Caribbean? I doubt that it in any way facilitates their obsessive desire to straighten out Cuba while doing nothing with regard to China and a number of their allies in the Middle East which have defied any democratic reforms.

Yours faithfully,
Rajendra Bissessar