What Ram, Kissoon and others are attempting to do is what the whole opposition before 1992 said they wanted

Dear Editor,

The volume of abuse visited most recently on Mr Christopher Ram, although it may not be the same in form as the faecal waste thrown on Mr Frederick Kissoon, is essentially of the same quality. The two types of weapons are not the same in state, but they serve the same purpose.  They are deployed not only in Guyana newspapers but now decorate one of the pastimes of the 21st century, blogging from behind a curtain.   Many critics of the Government of Guyana have pointed out that  Indian figures  of some public standing are coming under the attack of persons who are not  neutral towards the ruling  party, but use their democratic right to support it or, as they think, to defend it. Many of those now under extreme attack happen to be among those who joined with the ruling party’s supporters and others in securing them the right to vote and to enjoy their civic entitlements. While those who fought these battles should not expect rewards or special treatment for doing their human duty, neither do they deserve to be specially targeted in the vilest manner for questioning the victors. The extension of the attack on Mr Ram to his children is especially cowardly.   And what is the great fault of those being targeted?  The throwers of filth cannot realise that what Ram is attempting to do, what Kissoon is attempting to do, what  Clive Thomas and some others posted on blogs with Indian  and African looking faces are attempting to do  is what the whole opposition before 1992 had said they wanted.   Any democratic government, if not its supporters, should officially welcome and engage critics who point out likely policy flaws, likely because in this globalization as some experts have been admitting “we do not know.”  Those who do not flatter, but hammer away at faults that can build up to corruption, or that suggest existing corruption, faults or flaws in governance that can expose or define an actual or invading dictatorship, those who question policy whether of government or opposition are helping the country as a whole not to go to sleep.

Yours faithfully,
Rupert Roopnaraine
Eusi Kwayana
Alissa Trotz
Keith Branche
Karen deSouza
Nigel Westmaas
Moses Bhagwan
Sase Omo
David Hinds
Dennis Wiggins