Guyana images in international contest

Dear Editor,

We should all agree that the government of the day should be applauded for embarking on the project of `Mangrove Restoration.’

We all have got to chip in with whatever contribution we can offer because if we choose to ignore such a great project, we can’t blame anyone, but ourselves when severe floods hit us. That’s the reality.

I have just embarked on a global project with the submission of a mangrove planting image in Guyana among two other images that are not related and my aim mostly is to join the world with my advocacy and education that we all have got to contribute in one way or the other. It also has the flag of Guyana showing its support even though we are at the other end of the globe.

So far, all three of the images of Guyana have been approved for international judging with over two thousand other images and I will admit, there are some serious and strong contenders. Of course, I am hoping like every other participant that  my submissions on Guyana gets  selected among the top guns, but if they don’t, we’ve got to be proud that we were there.

It’s like the “Olympics” it’s just not about winning medals, but participation is as important. On the flip side of the coin, a smart ass colleague of mine has said to me that I should consider this project as the Olympic Games and coming in as the bottom first. That is meant as last in the pack.

I was also just wondering if we will be fortunate to witness the television broadcast of the Youth Olympics in Singapore during August.

Yours faithfully,
T. Pemberton