President should waive immunity on libel

Dear Editor,

The President of Guyana has gone to the courts for redress. This is unfair when he is given immunity from being taken to the courts.

It is my opinion that the President should do the right thing and waive immunity at least in the area of libel so that other Guyanese can be free to have him answer in the same courts in the same manner.

Also I sent a letter to Executives of the PPP and to some member of parliament of the PPP requesting representation with regards to benefits owed to me by this government.

I am awaiting a response. Those MPs are being paid a handsome stipend to represent the people.

Will keep the public updated.

I am asking publicly what the Presidential aspirants of the PPP would do with regards to the setting up of the law school. I know two of them told me they were opposed. I wonder if they would have changed their minds.

Yours faithfully,
Rajendra Bisessar