CNS should be allowed to extend its signal

Dear Editor,

I disagree with Mr CN Sharma’s comment expressing agreement with the government in withdrawing ads from Kaieteur News (‘PSC should look into government refusal to allow extension of CNS TV signal’ SN, August 30). 

But I am in total agreement with Sharma that his TV station (CNS) should be allowed to expand its broadcasting signal (via relay stations) throughout the country as it involves no harm against the government or the people in the country.  In fact, everyone benefits from access to more media exposure, and Sharma has committed to giving free air time to the government to promote its goals and objectives.

Based on recent surveys I conducted, Sharma’s CNS TV 6 is undoubtedly the most popular station in Guyana.  His Voice of the People (aka Justice For All) is the most popular programme.  ‘Death announcements’ is the most watched programme. And Mr Sharma himself is unquestionably one of the most popular individuals in the country.  He is a colourful and likeable character and people, including government officials, judges, lawyers, common folk, love watching the programmes he hosts on his TV station. As I found during my presence in Guyana in July, the ongoing court matters against Sharma have not lowered people’s liking for him or affected their viewing of his TV programmes.

But Sharma is in the wrong on the matter of the ads withdrawal against KN.  I strongly support SN’s position on ads. No media house should be punished by a private or government entity because of the way it covers the news.  At the same time, however, the media has a moral and legal duty to report the news fairly and objectively and not to promote an agenda with biased and distorted opinions  – and we have had a lot of those in recent times.  Otherwise, the media invites punitive sanctions.

The media must not be pro or anti-government.  It must report events or news as they happen, not with a slant, and SN seems to be professional at its job.

I must be opposed to the withdrawal of ads, because such an act violates norms relating to freedom of the press which is essential for good governance.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram