Some TV ads are indecent

Dear Editor

About a week ago I was looking at Channel 65 television and was taken aback by a programme promoting the Aracari Resort. The hosts were a male and a female. I was taken aback because of the content that they chose to show on the screen. They showed almost naked women in various provoking poses as an attraction to lure people to whatever event they were advertising.

One of the hosts even warned that the content about to be displayed was for adults. Then about two seconds later the adult content went onto the screen.
What are our television channels turning into? So far I have great respect for the decency and quality of the Channel 13 television programmes.
Some of these channels do not censor what they put on the screen for viewing.  I make special reference to some of the advertisements for parties that show males and females gyrating with sexually explicit overtones. I believe that the people who prepared these clips have lost all sense of decency.

What is lewd and crude has become an acceptable norm. Can’t we ever learn to be creative by advertising products that are free from sexual overtones? Someone said that sex sells
products. Really!
Digicel seems to believe that phones sell when they are displayed by foolish antics, and GT&T by gyrating females. We are told by these ads that only youths use phones.

People who prepare ads for TV should not display their own mindset, but use ads to awaken decency in our besieged societies.
Our television owners, even though they have a right to get rich, must ensure that whatever programme is selected for viewing must not compromise what is decent. People are calling for a moral revival; these two areas are vital in leading such revival.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address