The Ministry of Agriculture should be congratulated for its work during the current heavy rainfall

Dear Editor,

As a pensioner/farmer I wish to share my thoughts and appreciation to the government for a job well done so far in response to the heavy rainfall that is currently being experienced along the coastline of Guyana.

We can no longer continue to argue about the scientific evidence on climate change and the threats posed by it. The Hydrometeorological Department within the Ministry of Agriculture has advised that we are currently in La Nina season which will last until next year.

As such I am pleased to see the Ministry of Agriculture’s NDIA is a hive of activity and along with other support staffers is in the fields to institute measures to battle the effects of climate change by clearing critical canals and drains, and servicing and repairing pumps and other drainage structures. This is all in an effort to ensure that our agricultural sector can survive the impact of the heavy rains ahead and not succumb to the flash flooding which has been fatal in Venezuela and Colombia and other countries.

What is impressive though, is the work being done by the Ministry of Agriculture to rally support from farmers, residents and other stakeholders to monitor our drainage and irrigation system. This is commendable on the part of the Minister of Agriculture and his team.

We have had periods of intense rainfall over the last few days which have stretched our drainage capacity. However, I am pleased that there have been no major reports of flooding. To all Guyanese, we owe it to ourselves to be alert and monitor our drainage systems and join the valiant engineers, koker attendants and drainage workers who brave the harsh weather and the never-ending challenge of clearing our waterways of garbage and other refuse.

Yours faithfully,
Shamshudeen Khan