Sadeek and Guyanese drama

(Continued from last week)

Tiwari and Yarde were strong leads in Neaz Subhan’s production of Sheik Sadeek’s Black Bush, with the ability to capture both situation and characters convincingly.  So much were they in command that they took naturally to the language which helped to create the characters and environment.  Sadeek could not reproduce Creolese and occasionally ended up with an unconvincing version of Standard English, but the actors were able to find speech rhythms comfortably and convince.  In the other two plays Sadeek had a tendency to have his characters philosophise and expound upon the issues that he wanted to treat in the play.  In Namaste, Kerrimaria Phang as Beena bore it stoically and brought it off as a part of her disposition as an educated girl, while it was fitting for the white manager’s son (Chris Gopaul).

In that same setting, one of the most strikingly promising