Get to know your child’s teacher

Hot Momma’s Advice: Getting to know your child’s teacher will help you learn more about your child’s education!

It’s a few weeks into the school year and your child is officially into his groove. Limin’ after school, doing chores around the house, having dinner, doing homework, and watching TV before he goes to bed are all part of the daily routine. As a parent, you are there for your child, even though s/he might not always want you to be.

My Hot Momma recently told me that even though I didn’t want to share everything with her growing up, she always made it a point to stay connected to me. One way you can do this for your child in his education, is by getting to know your child’s teacher!

Just like your child is into his groove, your child’s teacher is into his/hers and understanding how your child’s teacher grooves in the classroom means you’ll be able to better help your child at home. The beginning of the Christmas term it is a great time to go to your child’s school and introduce yourself to his/her teacher.

During this meeting a few questions my Hot Momma suggests asking are:
What goals or ideas (curriculum, activities, tour) do you have planned for the school year?

What do you expect from a parent in terms of help with homework and coming into the school for help? It’s also a good idea to ask what kinds of homework the teacher is planning to give as well as the time frame there will be to complete these assignments.

Lastly, simply state that you would like to have an open line of communication with him/her and let him/her know how to contact you.

You can maintain that connection with your child’s teachers throughout the school year through face-to-face visits or touching base by phone when needed. Parent-teacher conferences are another wonderful way to meet your child’s teachers and develop a relationship with them. Recently, these conferences have been implemented in various schools around Guyana and are quite a successful way for you to get in contact with your child’s teacher!

It’s especially important to make contact with teachers as soon as you realize your child is struggling with a certain subject, loses interest in school, complains that he’s falling behind or doesn’t understand a certain concept that’s being taught in the classroom.

Keeping connected to your child’s school, teacher and homework are key ways to stay connected to their education! My Hot Momma always told me that when I didn’t want to share what was happening in school with her, she just went right ahead and asked my teacher!

Please send specific or general questions about your child’s education or way to teach them to: