Sharma pulls rug from Ram, Gaskin show

Ramon Gaskin

CNS Channel 6 has dropped the Christopher Ram/Ramon Gaskin talk show ‘Keeping Them Honest’ from its programming following discussions with the “relevant authorities” over the programme’s content.

The station’s managing director CN Sharma, in correspondence to Ram yesterday, indicated that the programme will be discontinued with immediate effect. “I regret to advise you that I can no longer offer you air time for your broadcast of the subject-mentioned programme. This decision, which takes effect immediately, has been taken for regulatory reasons following a conversation I have had with the relevant authorities concerning the content of the programme,” Sharma said in his letter, a copy of which this newspaper was able to obtain.

“I thank you most sincerely for choosing the Peoples’ station CNS 6 for your hugely popular and useful programme and I trust that you will