Metro boss protests victimisation of company in regions

CEO of Metro Office Supplies Taajnauth Jadunauth has accused officials of regions Three, Five and Six of victimising the stationery supplier, saying that it is being deliberately shut out of contract awards.

Metro recently staged protests outside the Regional Democratic Office of Region 3 and Jadunauth told Stabroek News that its grievances with the region began from the time he queried payments in excess of $200,000 owed to the company for the period 2005 to 2006. He added that after constant questions to regional officials about the monies owed, he noticed that all procurement by the region from Metro ceased. He added that in 2008, his company, although making several tender bids, was only awarded a paltry $12,000 contract. Afterward, he stated, Region 3 never again did business with him.

Stabroek News tried contacting Region 3 Chairman Julius Faerber for over a week but on all occasions his office said he was either out of office or would be back shortly. Stabroek News subsequently visited the